Role(s): | Member |
Level: | Full |
Status: | Active |
Name: Sandy Kerr
Voice Part: Past Lead, Current Baritone
Years in SAI:I’ve been a member of Sweet Adelines since June of 1992. My sister, Sue Barsamian, requested I attend a Post Road Chorus rehearsal in Shrewsbury, MA. I said I would attend to support her, never guessing that I would become a long time passionate member of the organization! Thank you, Suzie!
Years in MM: 31 years
Where are you from: Sturbridge Massachusetts, but my roots are in Westborough and Sutton MA.
Occupation (if retired, past occupation): I am a middle and high school music educator. I currently teach in a middle school music technology lab where I integrate “live hands on music” with music technology and hope to inspire students to find life long enjoyment from music by learning a bit about music with “hands on” experience on piano, ukulele, guitar and voice sprinkled with a bit of music history, composition and sound engineering! I also teach high school chorus and am passionate about vocal/choral singing!
Past Quartets/Choruses: Quartets: Suite A Chord, Double Trouble.
Choruses: Post Road Chorus, Millennium Magic. Large BarbershopAcapella “family inspired” quartet: “G Wil-A-Kerrs”. There's nothing better than singing with your kids and close “barbershop family friends” and their kids!
Outside hobbies: “Hanging out” with the people I love; My three beautiful adult children, extended family, and close friends. I love being active, outdoor activities, TAG SINGING, cooking, hiking and especially spending time at my cottage in Maine. I am passionate about the environment and sustainable living. I enjoy singing, playing piano, guitar, ukulele, mandolin, (in my spare time) and sharing the wonder and beauty of all kinds of music, especially as a community endeavor.
What do you like most about MM: Millennium Magic is a beautiful collaboration of women who are just regular people, sharing the love and joy of singing together! The amazing music we create drives the group to want more, feel more and be more. MM is mindful, accepting, challenging and always striving in a collaborative, loving environment. We cannot always be our best without the support system of the whole and I appreciate the gifts that every member of MM, young or old, brings to the unit. Every chorus member has the ability and opportunity to lead and the leaders forever change the trajectory, bringing new ideas into the mix, allowing for greater diversity. However, this would never happen without our key leaders, the core of our group, who are also being allowed to learn and grow, as we embrace this journey together. We would not succeed without the dedication, love and collaboration of ALL.
Role(s): | Baritone |
Status: | Active |
Front Row? | No |